Corporate Governance

Basic Principles of Corporate Governance

Adventure, Inc. Group believes that the purpose of Corporate Governance is to enhance the efficiency of management and to ensure integrity and transparency in order to satisfy the trust and expectations of shareholders, business partners, employees, users, local communities, other stakeholders and to improve our corporate value. In order to achieve these objectives, it is essential that management monitoring and auditing are effectively conducted through the selection of directors, determination of compensation, monitoring of management, implementation of compliance and other initiatives. Adventure, Inc. regards the reinforcement and improvement of Corporate Governance as one of the top management priorities.
Adventure Group strives to enhance the supervisory function of the Board of Directors with two external directors and three external corporate auditors to ensure management efficacy and clarity.

Fundamental Policy on Internal Control Systems and Status of Development

Adventure, Inc. is committed to fulfilling its social responsibilities to its stakeholders, including customers, employees, shareholders, investors, business partners and the local and international communities. Based on the fundamental recognition that it is essential to strengthen Corporate Governance, Adventure Group continues to implement and enforce the following strategies in order to enhance our corporate value.

Overview of Corporate Governance Structure

Overview of Corporate Governance Structure

Corporate Governance Reports

Adventure, Inc. has submitted a “Corporate Governance Report” to the Tokyo Stock Exchange.